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  • Business Run By : MOHD MUKHTAR
  • +91-9643817896

Digital Cargos


Pincode Serviceability

Ship with the right courier partner

Multiple Shipping Partners

Choosing the right courier partner for your business takes a lot of research and time. It’s difficult to meet all your business needs with just one courier partner at hand. With Digital Cargos, you can choose multiple courier partners, including Digital Cargos own network based on your shipping requirements.

Benefits of multiple courier partners

Increased reach

If you have multiple courier partners, you can expand your business to different states. You can make deliveries to a different states which will, in turn, help your business to grow wide with each day. Thus, you do not have to turn down customers that are far from your business or have a distant pin code. If you have multiple courier services, then you can make delivery possible at any place within a limited period. If you have local partners, then you increase the overall reach of your business by having potential customers at every corner of the country. Besides, this expanded reach can create an overall strong base of your valued customers.

Best prices

A different carrier offers different prices for their services. This is how the competitive market works. Some carrier keeps a cheaper price point while some other carrier keeps a higher price point when it comes to shipping mid-sized packages. Some carriers straight-up refuse to carry oversized packages, whereas some carriers specialize in the same.

The convenience of delivery services during festivals

During the festivals, the struggle and rush for deliveries are real. Whether it is a small start-up company or a big e-commerce giant, every company faces trouble in delivering a huge number of packages. Customers nowadays tend to shop online, so they find the festive seasons the perfect opportunity to buy online which is much more convenient than the retail stores. People now tend to avoid the huge crowds in clothing stores and prefer shopping online. Thus, the festive seasons get the busiest with thousands of delivery requests. At this point, companies can’t keep up with the delivery deadlines. If you have multiple courier partners, then this can be well handled and your customers stay satisfied with your company. Many courier services will deliver your items at your customer’s convenience.

Provides for a convenient backup

It is similar to having an extra pair of glasses, so that if you lose or damage the current glasses. Multiple courier partners will ensure you that you never have to give any kind of excuses to your customers. They will ensure that you never disappoint your customers when it comes to deliveries. There are thousands of possible difficulties that can arise in a day to day business, but if you have multiple courier service providers you can stay assured that your products and administrations will be delivered to your customers even if one of the partners is unavailable.


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